"Not at all …" Riley agreed.
"It’s okay …" Jessica said, bringing her hand up to Angus’ face and trying to caress the frown off his face, "We can wait for tonight … I can sleep on the floor with you now …" Her voice trailed off. From their expressions it was clear that postponing sexual release was not a favorable option for the men. "Or … um, we could go in a bedroom … and lock the door."
There was silence as the men contemplated that option but Jessica’s eyes kept flicking toward the door and it was clear that she wasn’t relaxed at all.
Scott exhaled. "Good idea Jess." He said, getting up, "but it can wait until later."
Angus pecked her lips and stood up too, followed by Riley and Jim.
"You don’t look like you can wait until later …" Jessica said looking at the bulges in their pants. Scott’s cock was poking out from the zipper he’d undone.
"A little self-service and we’ll be fine." Jim said, and Josh groaned, shifting beneath Jessica.
"I’m not sure about that …" Jessica said sitting up and looking over her shoulder at Josh. 
"Rrrr, are you okay? I mean, you can’t really self-service …" Josh said nodding his head toward her shoulder.
"I’m okay … thanks." She said.
"Okay. Well, I need to go take care of this before I do something I might regret." Josh said. Jessica started trying to inch forward to let him up but she wasn’t able to move far.
"Allow me." Riley said, and scooped Jessica up, replacing her on the sofa once Josh hauled himself off. "Be back in a minute." Riley said and soon he and the other men disappeared down the hallway.
Jessica lay back on the sofa and closed her eyes, her phantom arousal lingering. She managed to banish it when she contemplated what Chris and Corey saw when they came in. It was embarrassing, but Jessica consoled herself, they’d all had their clothes on. It could have been worse. And they were married after all … wasn’t it normal for married people to fool around?
By the time the men drifted back into the living room she was feeling better about the whole thing.
"I think it’s definitely time to eat something." Jim said moving to the kitchen.
"Maybe you should tell Chris and Corey that it’s safe for them to come in now." Jessica said when Josh sat next to her on the sofa.
"I’ll get them." Scott said and headed out the front door. 
Jessica fell against Josh, who wrapped his arms around her again.
Riley sat on the sofa on Jessica’s other side, and when Angus pulled a chair up to the sofa, Jessica put her feet onto his lap.
"Hey …" Chris said when he and Corey followed Scott into the house, "Ah, sorry about earlier … we didn’t mean to mortify you or anything Jessica."
"Thanks." She said with a smile, a light shade of pink on her cheeks. "But it’s okay."
"Did you get a hold of Sean and the others?" Corey asked Josh.
"Oh yeah, yeah. They’d finished at Daryl’s place. The money is transferred. They were on their way to the safe house. It’s not likely that Tom would go there, it’s pretty far."
"Breakfast is ready … " Jim said handing a plate to Josh, who proceeded to skewer a fork full and feed it to Jessica. "I’ll get Abe."
Half an hour later everyone had finished breakfast and Corey and Scott had cleaned the dishes.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Jim asked Jessica, "Relax for a bit?"
"Okay. Maybe after I check my messages? Could you pass me my phone?"
To allow as many of the men to be as close to Jessica as possible, Josh had pulled Jessica onto his lap again. Angus sat on one side, Riley on the other. Jim next to him, and Scott sat on the floor, resting between Jessica’s legs. 
Chris and Corey had arranged themselves on chairs on either side of the sofa. Abe went back outside to stand watch. Given Tom’s visit they decided it would be best to have someone on guard at all times. 
Jessica spent an hour returning texts. She told everyone at the bar that she was out of town and would come visit when she got back. She had a few texts from Beth … most of them asking how she was doing but the last one made her look up at Angus in wonder. Beth had just sent "WTF did you do to Angus? He just called and told me to come over if I wanted to. He said he wasn’t mad anymore."
Angus had been watching Jessica text and when she looked up at him he winked.
"You called Beth?" she asked, clearly surprised.
"Huh?" Josh asked, he like the other men including Chris and Corey looked equally taken aback.
"Yeah. I really don’t care enough anymore to be mad. If she wants to come hang out with you, she’s welcome."
Jessica smiled, leaned over to kiss his cheek, and then texted, "Come over. Bring Leah with you."
"Leah has a headache. She says she’ll come over later. I’m not sure I want to be around Angus … may come later with Leah." Beth texted back.
"K. Later." Jessica texted back and put her phone down.
"Movie?" Jim asked.
"I don’t know … maybe not right now. I feel like doing something." Jessica said.
"Like what?" Riley asked.
"I don’t know." Jessica said, "Something fun."
"Play cards?" Chris asked.
"Yeah. Something like that." Jessica said.
"I know!" Corey said his sudden excitement in stark contrast to the his earlier all consuming funk. "Abe’s been going about that bar that you two sing at …" he said looking between Jim and Jessica. "He said you’re really good. Why don’t we jam?"
"I’m not sure you know these songs." Jim said.
Corey shrugged. "I can pick them up …"
"What do you think Jess?" Jim asked.
"That’s perfect!" she squealed. "Josh and Scott you have to play too."
"We can try … not sure we’ll keep up." Josh said.
"Who cares, it’s just for fun. We’ll stick to songs that you know." Jessica said.
"Okay …" Scott said.
Scott and Josh went to their rooms to get their instruments and started setting up.
Corey and Jim disappeared down the hallway and returned with guitars. Jim had his and Jessica’s. 
Corey and Jim helped Scott and Josh set-up the drums and the keyboard, and microphones. They set one up by the sofa in front of Jessica too. Angus and Riley watched, surprised by the extent of the setup. 
"You think you can play?" Jim asked holding her guitar up.
Jessica nodded enthusiastically. 
"Careful Jess, don’t nod your head off." Scott said with a laugh.
 Jim helped position the guitar on her lap and the music began.
They played for over two hours. They played some songs more than once, so Scott, Josh and Corey could pick up more of the notes. And Scott and Josh sang so well that Angus and Riley watched in stunned awe.
Chris rotated guard shifts with Abe a couple of times and by the end everyone was in great spirit.
"You look tired Jess." Jim said when they finished what had to be the two hundredth song. "I think we should take a break."
Jessica nodded. 
"We have some stuff to check on with the horses." Scott said.
"And I promised to deliver a car." Angus said.
"You guys go ahead." Riley said. "I’ll stay with Jess and we’ll rest a little."
"We’ll be back soon." Josh said.
Riley laid down on the sofa, Jessica stretched out on top of him and was asleep almost right away. 

What seemed like hours later Jessica and Riley were still lying on the sofa. They’d slept for a long time, and now Jessica lay staring at her phone. She’d texted Leah to ask her when she was coming over. Leah had read the text and Jessica waited for what seemed like forever for a reply. She texted again. Still no reply.
Corey came in the house and headed for the bathroom.
"Corey. Have you talked to Leah? When is she coming over?" Jessica asked, sitting up. Corey froze in place.
"Ah … I haven’t heard from her since this morning." He said, turned on his heel and walked back out the door.
Jessica looked at Riley. Riley looked at her and shrugged.
Jessica dialed Leah’s phone number. It went straight to voicemail.
"Leah, it’s Jess. Call me. Right away." She said. Hanging up she dropped the phone onto her lap in frustration.
"I’m sure she’s fine Jess." Riley said his tone reflecting his bewilderment at Jessica’s desperate attempt to get a hold of Leah. "If she’s not feeling well, she’s probably asleep."
"Something’s wrong Riley." Jessica said.
"What makes you think that?" he asked, confused, looking from Jessica to the phone that she grabbed up in her hand again.
"Just a sec." she said and began to text Leah. "Call me or come over here right away. Otherwise I’m going to tell Riley about you and Corey. I’m worried and I need to know you’re okay."
Pressing send she turned to Riley and tried to assess how to get him to help Leah without giving up her secret.
"’K, you know how we agreed that if I knew someone’s secret I didn’t have to divulge it?"
"Yyyeesss …" Riley said slowly clearly not liking the direction the conversation was going in.
"So, Leah has a secret. I know about it, and now I’m worried. She’s suddenly not feeling well, she’s not answering my calls or texts, she’s not coming over. I think something bad may have happened." As she’d spoken Jessica had worked her hand up Riley’s stomach to his chest. Now she clutched his shirt in her fist, tapping her fist against him.
"Jess, you know I don’t like secrets …"
"I can’t tell you. I promised."
"Well, how can I help you to help Leah if I have no clue what’s going on?" Riley demanded.
"Okay." Jessica said pulling her legs up under her on the sofa so that she was kneeling. "Leah has a boyfriend but Sean can’t know. He’d go beserk. And Leah and her boyfriend got together last night … ‘got together’" she added making quotation marks with her good hand. "And now suddenly she feels sick? She won’t return my calls? Something bad happened. Something really bad."
Riley stared at Jessica. He wanted to yell, "What the hell?" shake her and make her tell him who Leah was seeing. But she was looking at him so earnestly. So expectantly. Like she thought he was the most important man in the world to her and she trusted him to help her. The fact that this was the perfect Jim moment didn’t escape him and he was worried that he’d mess it up.
"Okay. Just … just slow down a bit alright? Are you worried about the man she’s seeing? Do you think he’d hurt her?"
"I don’t think he would." She said seeming to look inside herself for confirmation. "I’m not sure."
"Do you know him? Is he part of the clan?"
Jessica nodded. 
Riley relaxed with relief. "That’s good then. So Sean knows him then …."
Jessica nodded.
"And Sean likes him?"
Jessica nodded again.
"Then what makes you think Sean would go beserk? It sounds to me like he should be glad that Leah likes someone in the clan. Someone he likes."
"I don’t get it either but Leah insisted that Sean shouldn’t know or he’d flip out."
Jessica’s phone vibrated. She looked down to see Leah’s text. "Don’t tell. Will come after dinner."
"It’s from Leah." She said looking up at Riley with excitement. And Riley’s insides melted. She was trusting him, turning to him, and there was no feeling like it.
"Is she okay?"
Jessica nodded, and fell against him.
"She says she is, says she’ll come over after dinner."
"So you were worried for nothing."
Jessica looked up at him. "I’m not sure it was nothing." She said, "but I guess I’ll find out tonight."
Riley nodded. The reality was that she was trusting him but not completely. He had little doubt that she would have told Jim who Leah’s boyfriend was. He supposed he’d have to resign himself to small steps.
"Riley?" Jessica asked noticing the corners of his mouth droop. He looked sad. When his eyes met hers she knew for a fact that he was sad and she also knew why. It was as plain as if he’d written it in black marker on his forehead. She brought her hand to his cheek. Maybe it wasn’t fair that she was gambling with Leah’s happiness but she had to tell Riley the truth. The whole truth. A small part of her believed that he’d flip out. Flip out and tell Sean everything. After all, Riley was in the same leadership position as Sean’s. No doubt he’d sympathize with Sean … maybe too much.
Jessica looked around the room with a conspiratorial air. Riley followed her gaze, smiling at the over dramatization she didn’t seem to realize she was making. Apparently satisfied that they were alone, she leaned closer to Riley.
"It’s Corey." She whispered.
"Corey!" Riley exclaimed. He looked simultaneously shocked and revolted.
"Is there something wrong with him?" Jessica asked in a panic. Maybe he was a child molester or something.
"Hell yes there’s something wrong with him!" Riley grumbled, "He’s Sean’s best friend. He’s Sean’s best friend and he’s sneaking around with his sister behind his back. That’s just wrong. And you better believe Sean will freak out."
"Oh no!" Jessica exclaimed, a worried expression on her face.
"Christ, what the hell was Corey thinking?" Riley demanded. Jessica felt Riley’s body go hard against her. A wave of fear swept over her.
"Hey Jess, what’s wrong?" Riley asked grabbing her face between his hands. And scanning her face. "Why do you look so scared?"
"What’s Sean going to do them?" Jessica said, "We have to warn them …"
"I don’t know Jess, but he’s not going to do anything to you. Why are you scared?"
"Riley, look how mad you got about this. If you’re this mad, Sean is going to be even madder. We have to help them! But how?"
Riley looked dumbfounded. When Jessica continued to implore him with her eyes he shrugged. "It’s not really any of our business Jess. I don’t think there’s much we can do. Especially if we’re not supposed to know about it."
"There has to be something Riley. Leah really loves Corey. And it doesn’t make sense anyway. Sean doesn’t want her to date anyone. Not anyone in the clan, not anyone outside the clan. Does he want her to be a nun or something? You’d think that if she had to date someone, Sean’s best friend should be the best option."
Riley sat in silence, studying Jessica. After a few minutes Jessica grabbed his shirt and tugged. "Well?" she demanded.
Riley shook his head. "I think we should stay out of this."
"I know." Jessica said nodding, "I don’t think there’s anything that we can do directly … but Riley, a nun? Really? I just need some advice to give Leah. Something that may make this go smoother than it would otherwise. If you were in Sean’s position what would make this easier for you to hear?"
Anger flashed in Riley’s eyes. "I would never be in Sean’s position because we don’t lie to each other … as you may remember."
Jessica pushed up onto her knees and kissed Riley’s cheek, wrapping her good arm around his neck and pressing hard against him.
"I know. And you’d never expect your sister to be a nun either. But putting yourself into Sean’s position for a minute, what would make this easier for you to handle?"
"I don’t have a sister so I don’t know if that’s what I’d want. Maybe that’s what your brothers would have wanted for you …" his voice trailed off. Jessica leaned back and studied Riley. "Not much of a nun now are you?" he added with an attempt at a smile. 
"I think my brothers would have wanted me to be happy. And I am."
Riley nodded but he didn’t look like he really believed her.
"Riley …" 
"The best thing Corey and Leah can do right now is to tell Sean everything, right away. The longer they keep it a secret, the worse it will be. You tell Leah that when she comes over and that’s the end of it. The best you can do. The rest is up to them to work out. Okay?"
Jessica nodded and brought her hand to Riley’s cheek. He still looked sad, disturbed. 
"I love you."
Riley forced a smile. "I love you too. And … I know this is a secret and everything but I think we should tell the other guys. We’ll tell them to keep it to themselves but it’s not good for me to know something that they don’t. Especially not a secret that you trusted me with."
Jessica nodded.
Riley leaned in close to her, "I’m glad you did though. It means a lot to me." He whispered and kissed her. Jessica kissed back. When Riley kissed harder, Jessica lay back on the sofa and Riley moved over top of her, holding himself off of her chest, his kisses became more urgent.
"God damn it I wish everyone would just go home …" Angus grumbled from beside the couch.
Riley jerked up in surprise. He and Jessica looked at Angus who was standing right next to the sofa completely ready to join in.
"We didn’t hear you come in …" Jessica panted.
"If I scared you, I’m sorry." Angus said. "I’m, ah, done with the car. I thought maybe you’d want to go check on the dogs …" he said to Riley without looking at him, his eyes busy scanning Jessica from her head down to where Riley straddled her, just below her crotch.
"I guess I should." Riley said, panting but he was looking at Jessica now too. Jessica stared back, swinging her eyes between Riley and Angus. No one seemed willing to move. "Do you feel anything yet …" Riley asked, sliding his hand down to Jessica’s crotch and rubbing.
"I do I guess." She said in a breathless hiss, "but it’s not like before. It’s kind of … distant."
Riley nodded, leaned over and pecked her lip, and slid his hand over her breast as he sat up again. "I want you to feel it when we have sex again Jess … so we’ll wait as long as we have to. Even if it kills me."
"Fine." Angus growled and looked anything but. "And when that time comes, guests or no guests we’re doing it. We’ll ask them to leave first …" he added when Jessica looked worried. "Before you go," he said to Riley, "I’ve gotta take care of this." He said pointing at the erection pressing against his pants.
"Me too." Riley said.
Jessica grabbed his hand when he moved to get off the sofa.
"Wait …" she said, "Angus if you lock the door, I can take care of that for you … for both of you. This hand is fine, and my mouth …"
Angus looked at the door, at Jessica and then at Riley.
Riley shook his head.
"Shit …" Angus groaned.
"Thanks Jess, but the first time should be with all of us." Riley said "And when you can get pleasure too."
"I can do it for the others too." Jessica said, the expressions of sexual frustrations on Riley and Angus’ faces making her feel bad.
Angus groaned again and looked away from Jessica.
"Jess, you agreed to be our slave during sex. And as our slave you’re not allowed to initiate these kinds of things. Remember?" Riley asked but he didn’t sound convincing at all.
"Master, please let me get you off. " Jessica said, "You don’t need to suffer like this."
"Jesus Christ …" Angus growled and limped off to the bathroom.
"We’ll be fine. But if you keep going like this you’ll be earning yourself some consequences. That shouldn’t be the way we start things off when you get your sensations back …" Riley said, caressing her crotch again. "Jesus." He added and forced himself off the sofa. "Jess, we need to pleasure you, not the other way around. Being horny for you isn’t making us suffer but you offering to get us off when we can’t accept or reciprocate, is. Please just be a good slave and behave … okay?"
Jessica nodded. "Yes Master."
A moment passed, Riley stood staring at Jessica. Just the way she said ‘Master’ sent him over the edge. Finally he forced himself to turn away from her. "Good. I’ll be back in a minute." He said and shuffled down the hallway.
Jessica lay staring at the ceiling. Even though she couldn’t feel anything but her phantom desire, she was looking forward to when she would. And when she’d be with the men again. She missed them. Physically.
"Okay." Riley said returning, with Angus behind him. He leaned over and pecked Jessica’s lips. "I’ll be back soon. Jess, I believe you have something to tell Angus, right? I’ll tell the other guys."
Jessica nodded and when Riley left, Angus was left standing by the sofa looking simultaneously nervous and curious. He rubbed his hands on his thighs and eyed the arm chair. 
"You know." Jessica said, "You guys seem to think that getting you off is some kind of chore or punishment to me. But it’s not. I enjoy it … I want to do it. But if it makes you feel more comfortable, go ahead and sit in the armchair."
"Coming from someone who let me sexually torture them in order to keep us from killing one another, you’ll excuse me if I don’t take your word as the absolute truth. We’ve agreed that the first time is going to be all together so I’m good waiting for that, and the only place I’m comfortable is with you." He said sitting next to Jessica on the sofa, Jessica lifting her legs to make room for him and then laying them across his lap. He rubbed her legs, "I’m going to control myself, or go blind trying. So, what do you feel like doing?"
Jessica couldn’t help but smile at Angus. 
"I love you." She said.
"Ditto." Angus said and grinned ear to ear. 
"So what’s your pleasure? TV? Video game?"
"Well, I did want to take a bath but I can wait for Jim for that." She said. "Why don’t we play a game?"
"Wait a minute. Do you honestly believe Jim is any more immune to getting horny than the rest of us?"
 "Hmmm. Well, he used to be."
"Those days baby are long gone. Besides I’m not a complete pig Jess, I can help you with a bath without wanting to jump you. What, I can!" Angus said when Jessica gave him a disbelieving look.
"Okay." Jessica said, "I have heard that when you lose your sight the other senses compensate. You could end up with some spectacular hearing."
"Ha, ha, ha, very funny!" Angus said tapping her thigh. "Good thing you don’t have a day job or I’d tell you not to quit it …"
Jessica laughed as Angus’ hand roamed up to her armpits and tickled.
"And what are we supposed to do about this bandage while you’re bathing?" he asked.
"Do you think I could take it off?"
"I’ll go ask Abe. Be right back."
Ten minutes later Jessica was limping down the hallway, leaning on Angus.
"Hey, you’re getting stronger." He said, "Earlier today your legs were like noodles."
"I can feel them more now." Jessica panted. 
When they got to the bathroom, Angus helped Jessica remove her clothes, and then the bandage. Helped her into the tub and knelt next to the tub while it filled with water. 
"Do you want to come in too?" Jessica asked.
"I’m strong baby girl but not that strong. In fact, where is that bubble bath you use all the time?" Jessica pointed to the cupboard under the sink. Getting the bottle Angus dumped practically the whole thing in the water. Jessica laughed while suds sprang up all around her. She had to flatten them to see Angus kneeling by the tub.
"Let me know when you’re ready for a rub down." He said holding a wash cloth up.
"Do you mind if I soak for a bit?"
"Not at all. Soak for as long as you want."
"So …" Angus said, dipping his hand in the water and scooping up some bubbles. "What was it you were supposed to tell me?"
"Oh yeah. Okay, so I was worried about Leah otherwise, you know, I never would have said anything …"
"Relax Jess. Your reign as Queen secret keeper will remain intact. Now spill it." Angus’ said his lopsided grin eliciting a mock scathing look from Jessica followed by a spray of spittle when she stuck her tongue out at him.
"Honestly Angus, I really shouldn’t have said anything."
"I know, I know. I get it, I won’t say a word."
"Fine." Jessica popped her head up over the tub to check that the bathroom door was closed and then she beckoned Angus closer with her finger.
Angus tried not to laugh as he moved closer. She looked so serious. It wasn’t until he was within inches of her lips that she explained everything to him in a whisper. It wasn’t until Angus whispered back, 
"Hmmm, Leah and Corey … really?" that she realized how ridiculous it was to whisper.
"I know it’s bad." She said a little louder. "Riley said Sean is probably going to flip because they’re sneaking behind his back."
"Yeah. He’ll flip alright." Angus said wondering where Jessica got weird phrases like ‘flip’. "But I can kind of see Leah and Corey together. They make a good couple."
Jessica smiled a humongous smile and looked at Angus like he’d pleasantly surprised her.
"Me too. You know … I really like your romantic side." She said.
Angus smiled back. "Thanks, but that’s as far as my romantic side goes. Yours too. We are not getting involved in this. They’ll have to work it out themselves."
Jessica nodded. "That’s what Riley said too. He said that I should suggest to Leah that she and Corey tell Sean the truth and then stay out of it."
"Perfect. And even more perfect would be if you listen to him."
"Me? Of course I will." Jessica said taken aback by the implication that she wouldn’t.
"Ahuh. We’ll see."
"What?" Jessica demanded, "I’m about to get offended here."
"We wouldn’t want that now would we?" Angus asked with a laugh. "Okay, change of topic. Listening to you and the guys sing … is amazing. But I’ve been thinking … I’d really like to learn how to sing too. So I could join in. I mean, if you think it’s possible for me to learn. I don’t ever expect to get up on stage or anything. Just, you know, carry a tune."
"Angus that’s great!" Jessica exclaimed bursting with excitement. "Anyone can learn to sing. Vocal chords are muscles and can be trained just like any other muscle. Given how much you love to work out, it’ll be a snap for you."
"You haven’t heard me yet." Angus said, "You may want to reserve judgment. But, do you think you could teach me in private?"
"Um, Angus, you wouldn’t be suggesting that we keep your lessons a secret would you?" Jessica asked trying not to laugh when Angus’ mouth dropped open.
"No, not a secret … just private. As in, no one else has to hear me sing."
"Sure, okay. Though we do seem to have something of a privacy issue these days. But we do have time alone now. I don’t know all the words to the songs that Corey and Sean know but we can look them up."
"I don’t mean those songs." Angus said, "I mean the ones that you sing with Jim. The ones you sang at the bar."
"Okay … we can do that. You don’t know any of those songs though, right? Got it." Jessica said snapping the fingers when Angus shook his head. "Bring the laptop here … and one of the kitchen chairs."
    Angus looked at her funny but went to get the laptop and chair.
    "Now what?" he asked after setting the laptop up on the chair as Jessica directed him to.
    "So it really helps with singing if you know the songs pretty well. We’ll start by watching some videos. We can get them with the lyrics shown. But basically you’ll have to listen to the songs over and over. When you feel like singing in public there’s a great singing game that we can play on the game box and it helps a lot too."
    "So let’s start with the songs we were singing earlier today." Jessica said after ten minutes of instructing Angus on how to get to the internet and then to the video site.
    "How do you know this shit?" Angus asked staring at the laptop screen.
    "My brothers and I used to watch videos all the time." Jessica said. "Let’s start with something fairly simple …in the search box type Blackeyed Peas." 
    Jessica was in the middle of telling Angus how to spell the band name when there was a knock at the door.
    "Who is it?" Angus asked, reaching for the shower curtain.
    "It’s me." Riley said.
    "Come in." 
    "Those are a lot of fuck … freakin’ bubbles." Riley commented. "Good evasive action Angus …" he added, laughing.
    "I thought so." Angus said sharing in the laugh.
    "What’s with the computer?" Riley asked. He’d asked it lightly but did a double take when Angus and Jessica exchanged a look. "Guys …" he started in a warning tone.
    "Okay, okay." Angus said when Jessica clamped her mouth shut and glared at him. "Don’t get your undies in a knot … Jessica is teaching me how to sing … in private."
     "Sing …" Riley repeated. "You …" 
    "Did you have something specific you came in here to do?" Angus demanded turning back to the computer. "Can you hurry it up? Jessica and I are busy."
    "I didn’t mean it like that …" Riley said moving to the toilet. "I actually like that idea." He added as he shook off and moved to the sink. "Can I learn too?"
    "So we’re going to have to listen to each other sing?" Angus demanded.
    "Hey, you’re the one that sounds like a dying cat. If I can put up with that my slightly off key singing should be a pleasure for you. And besides … we get naked and awfully close to one another when we have sex with Jessica. You find singing in front of me more uncomfortable than that?"
    "Fine … fine …" Angus grumbled when even Jessica smiled at him smugly, like Riley’s question settled everything. "We have to start by listening to the songs. Which one should I pick?" he asked Jessica when the Blackeyed Peas song list appeared on screen.
    "The first one is good, but pick the one with the lyrics." Jessica said.
... continued in 8b

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 




